What would true freedom look like in your life? Come join us as we journey through the story of Exodus and learn how to walk in freedom in our own lives within a small group atmosphere of authenticity and grace. See how Christ rescues us from abuse, addiction, anxiety, and all that enslaves us. He then reclothes us through His gospel, leads us into rest, and gives us hearts that worship God. Freedom Groups are a 6-week commitment and offered on a semester by semester basis.
God's calling on each of our lives is that we care for one another and bear each other's burdens. His plan is that each of us becomes a fine-tooled instrument in the hands of the healer. Learn how to become an agent of healing and change in the kingdom, transforming a person who is broken, and becoming someone who helps heal people who are broken. This class/workshop is also offered on a semester basis.
We desire to be used by God to “speak His truth in love.” We know that the path to maturity is often steep and rough, and at times filled with pain and confusion. We believe that the Bible provides all important answers to life and is God’s all-sufficient guide for relational living. There is a route to life and our Lord is that way. Christ is the truth who frees us to love. He is the life who satisfies the deepest thirsts of our soul.
Our Biblical counseling ministry is staffed by lay volunteers who have been trained in biblical counseling methods. This isn't a substitute for professional counseling, nor is it long-term counseling. We are here (as availability permits) to help you find your next step, or to provide short-term help.
To learn more about either of these ministries or to get signed up,
connect with us here.